Most economists believe that the Cap and Trade bill will somehow save the world from global warming. However, the reality is that global warming is only a theory; and this theory states that mankind's CO2 emissions are causing the ambient atmospheric temperatures to heat up, which will cause the polar ice caps to melt and sea levels to rise drastically. Perhaps, you heard all the predictions of Florida becoming totally ETRM.
It should be quite evident to anyone listening to all this nonsense that this is just fear mongering to push a new alternative energy agenda onto the table. To transfer wealth from the current leaders in the energy sector to those financing the new alternative energy exploits. Whereas, we all want clean water and clean air to breathe, there is no excuse for this runaway pandemic of fear.
Not long ago, Senator Frank Lautenberg from New Jersey said that this Cap and Trade Bill is a "sacred mission" and as the senator for the most densely populated state he claims that we must consider the importance of our mission for our children and grandchildren, as he knows he won't be around, the gentleman looks to be well over 80 years old on CSPAN TV.
He also claims that New Jersey has gotten jobs thanks to alternative energy projects taking taxpayer's money and sending it to his state to give as corporate welfare to build this green energy bubble and help these companies in his state hire more folks. So in reality Sen. Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey is all a suddenly concerned with global warming because it will bring jobs and money to his state.
What about all the costs to all the other states, and all the citizens and businesses that buy energy? If our energy costs in the United States go up three-fold, we will no longer be competitive in the world markets for manufacturing, and the standard of living for every American will decrease due to the increased costs of energy. I hope you will please consider all this nonsense.