What should a root-cause analysis include? The analysis should first be able to isolate the root cause of your pain, discomfort, or other symptoms, followed by a review of your lifestyle and treatment including any supplements or medications that may be affecting the root cause. It should also include a review of your work and environment including chemicals, air pollutants etc.
If the root causes analysis does not contain these key elements, you will not be able to reach the root cause. Also, if the review of your lifestyle and work situation does not contain the aspects needed to make the pain or discomfort better, you won't be able to overcome the situation. That is why Root cause analysis is important. To understand the situation in which you have arrived at your current situation, you need to have a plan that includes the aspects needed to achieve your goal. You cannot be successful unless you have clearly defined what is required of you to reach your goal, otherwise, your efforts will only be as good as the results they yield.
Your efforts can only be as good as the information you are given. You should know exactly what are the Root Cause Analysis factors causing your health problem, in addition to knowing how these factors are impacting your life. You need to know the factors and what effect their presence has on your health condition. You also need to know how these factors affect you, such as your stress level and other personal factors such as weight, sleep pattern, exercise, diet etc. Without this information, it is very difficult to change your behavior and thereby your health condition.
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